How religion can lead to violence – Gary Gutting

Saint Etienne Church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, near Rouen, France

Prof Gary GuttingThe path of modern tolerance has proved more difficult for Islam than for Christianity, and many Muslims still do not accept the ethical constraints that require religious tolerance, and a significant minority see violence against unbelievers as a divinely ordained duty. – Prof Gary Gutting

The latest victim is a French priest, murdered in his church by killers shouting “Allahu akbar! ”Following such attacks, Muslim leaders assure us that, as Tariq Ramadan said after the Paris massacre, the murders are “a pure betrayal of our religion.” After the shootings in Brussels, the leading Sunni university, Al-Azhar, issued a statement saying,

“These heinous crimes violate the tolerant teachings of Islam.” Similar responses followed recent attacks in Orlando and Nice. We are told that the fanatical fringe groups who do these terrible things are at odds with the essential Muslim commitment to peace and love. I understand the reasons for such responses, but they oversimplify the relation of religion to intolerance and the violence it can lead to.

Both Islam and Christianity claim to be revealed religions, holding that their teachings are truths that God himself has conveyed to us and wants everyone to accept. They were, from the start, missionary religions. A religion charged with bringing God’s truth to the world faces the question of how to deal with people who refuse to accept it. To what extent should it tolerate religious error? At certain points in their histories, both Christianity and Islam have been intolerant of other religions, often of each other, even to the point of violence.

Yahweh / JehovahThis was not inevitable, but neither was it an accident. The potential for intolerance lies in the logic of religions like Christianity and Islam that say their teaching derive from a divine revelation. For them, the truth that God has revealed is the most important truth there is; therefore, denying or doubting this truth is extremely dangerous, both for nonbelievers, who lack this essential truth, and for believers, who may well be misled by the denials and doubts of nonbelievers. Given these assumptions, it’s easy to conclude that even extreme steps are warranted to eliminate non-belief.

You may object that moral considerations should limit our opposition to non-belief. Don’t people have a human right to follow their conscience and worship as they think they should? Here we reach a crux for those who adhere to a revealed religion. They can either accept ordinary human standards of morality as a limit on how they interpret divine teachings, or they can insist on total fidelity to what they see as God’s revelation, even when it contradicts ordinary human standards. Those who follow the second view insist that divine truth utterly exceeds human understanding, which is in no position to judge it. God reveals things to us precisely because they are truths we would never arrive at by our natural lights. When the omniscient God has spoken, we can only obey.

For those holding this view, no secular considerations, not even appeals to conventional morality or to practical common sense, can overturn a religious conviction that false beliefs are intolerable. Christianity itself has a long history of such intolerance, including persecution of Jews, crusades against Muslims, and the Thirty Years’ War, in which religious and nationalist rivalries combined to devastate Central Europe. This devastation initiated a move toward tolerance among nations that came to see the folly of trying to impose their religions on foreigners. But intolerance of internal dissidents — Catholics, Jews, rival Protestant sects — continued even into the 19th century. (It’s worth noting that in this period the Muslim Ottoman Empire was in many ways more tolerant than most Christian countries.) But Christians eventually embraced tolerance through a long and complex historical process.

VoltaireCritiques of Christian revelation by Enlightenment thinkers like Voltaire, Rousseau and Hume raised serious questions that made non-Christian religions—and eventually even rejections of religion—intellectually respectable. Social and economic changes—including capitalist economies, technological innovations, and democratic political movements—undermined the social structures that had sustained traditional religion.

The eventual result was a widespread attitude of religious toleration in Europe and the United States. This attitude represented ethical progress, but it implied that religious truth was not so important that its denial was intolerable. Religious beliefs and practices came to be regarded as only expressions of personal convictions, not to be endorsed or enforced by state authority. This in effect subordinated the value of religious faith to the value of peace in a secular society. Today, almost all Christians are reconciled to this revision, and many would even claim that it better reflects the true meaning of their religion.

The same is not true of Muslims. A minority of Muslim nations have a high level of religious toleration; for example Albania, Kosovo, Senegal and Sierra Leone. But a majority—including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq and Malaysia—maintain strong restrictions on non-Muslim (and in some cases certain “heretical” Muslim) beliefs and practices. Although many Muslims think God’s will requires tolerance of false religious views, many do not.

A Pew Research Center poll in 2013 found that in Iraq, Malaysia, Pakistan and other nations in which Islam is officially favored, a large majority of Muslims think some form of Islamic law should be the law of the land. The poll also found that 76 percent of such Muslims in South Asia and 56 percent in the Middle East and North Africa favored executing Muslims who gave up their religion, and that in 10 Muslim counties at least 40 percent favored applying Islamic law to non-Muslims. This shows that, for many Muslims, the revealed truths of Islam are not only a matter of personal conviction but must also have a central place in the public sphere of a well-ordered society.

Ibn Sina / AvicennaThere is no central religious authority or overwhelming consensus that excludes such Muslims from Islam. Intolerance need not lead to violence against nonbelievers; but, as we have seen, the logic of revelation readily moves in that direction unless interpretations of sacred texts are subject to nonreligious constraints. Islamic thinkers like Ibn Sina accepted such constraints, and during the Middle Ages Muslims were often far more tolerant than Christians. But the path of modern tolerance has proved more difficult for Islam than for Christianity, and many Muslims still do not accept the ethical constraints that require religious tolerance, and a significant minority see violence against unbelievers as a divinely ordained duty. We may find it hard to believe that religious beliefs could motivate murders and insist that extreme violence is always due to mental instability or political fanaticism. But the logic (and the history) of religions tells against this view.

Does this mean that Islam is evil? No, but it does mean that it has not yet tamed, to the extent that Christianity has, the danger implicit in any religion that claims to be God’s own truth. To put it bluntly, Islam as a whole has not made the concessions to secular values that Christianity has. As President Obama recently said, “Some currents of Islam have not gone through a reformation that would help people adapt their religious doctrines to modernity.” This adaptation will be long and difficult and require many intellectual and socio-economic changes, some produced by outside forces, others arising from the increasing power of Islamic teachings on tolerance and love. But until such a transformation is achieved, it will be misleading to say that intolerance and violence are “a pure betrayal” of Islam. – The New York Times, 1 August 2016

5 Responses

  1. I agree George. The Church can only benefit from all this chaos created in Europe by it very stupid leaders.

    The “humble bumble” Pope is the only one who knows what’s going on. An extremely dangerous man. And the BJP is going to invite him to India when Sushma Swaraj goes to the Vatican for Mother Teresa’s coronation!

    Do we need this Pope’s visit to India? Christians are never going to vote for Modi no matter how many bishop’s rings he kisses.

    We are lost in India because of our own stupid leaders (which include the RSS and VHP who talk a lot but do absolutely nothing to protect the Hindu community).


  2. Prof. Gutting is certainly unaware of the nature of Christian tolerance. Few days ago the pope said all Muslims are not violent and that some Christians are also violent. This is no camaraderie with the Muslims but a genuine worry about the standing of Christianity. How the current Muslim terrorism is bringing back non-believing Christians back into the arms of the church in Europe and Americas is so significant that he cannot ignore it, but can only promote it. The terrorist attacks are in the interest of the church, particularly in the West. It is doing everything else. Playing Muslim against Muslim, Hindu against the Hindu is a Christian tactic and the Christian tolerance is limited only to blatant violence even in the West.


  3. “Does this mean that Islam is evil? No, but it does mean that it has not yet tamed”

    This article was good till this line. From hereon the same PC nonsense. No amount of effort is going to reform it. Jihad is a central tenet of Islam. It requires the ultimate sacrifice and billions of Muslims do not have the stomach for it. That is why we have the so called “Extremist minority”. The other billions are just lax in the observance that’s all.


  4. Basically, Islam and Christianity have a flawed definition of God. If you define God as a being who demands worship and punishes those who do not believe, then what you will have is a religion such as Islam. Fear of God is intrinsic to both. Both revel in the idea that God is judgmental and will punish those who don’t believe. Such infantile definitions of God combined with their own feelings of exceptionalism leads to this violence in the name of religion.

    Ultimately, if there is a God that is all powerful and omniscient, it doesn’t require anyone’s belief.


  5. Islam and Christianity—or should we say Muslims and Christians—do not have to secularise as the professor argues. They do have to universalise and accept diversity in religious belief—which includes unbelief—and the catholic ethics of pluralism.

    This should not be so difficult for them to do if their god is really omnipresent and the creator of all things.

    It is the belief in their own specialness that feeds the most base instincts of the Abrahamic religionists and causes them to reject and abuse those who do not belong to their exclusive religious club.

    That said, the professor is to be commended for critiquing Islam and Christianity and not attacking Muslims and Christians. It is the Abrahamic religions that are deeply flawed, not the people who follow them necessarily.

    Sita Ram Goel always said that Muslims and Christians were the first victims of Islam and Christianity.

    Politicians like Obama and Modi are wrong when they blame (some) Muslims for terrorism and not the concepts of jihad in Islam that (some) Muslims believe they must follow.


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